
When I first exited the airport of San José, I joined my classmates in complaining about the humidity and heat. I was excited for the trip, but I was expecting a different scene as I exited the airport of Costa Rica, not the same cars from the USA rushing to grab a spot to pick up a loved one. I shrugged the thought away, thinking that tomorrow we would see more of the beautiful Costa Rica, and we did! The next couple of days, we walked around Grecia. We visited a church, or in Spanish, una Iglesia. It is called la Iglesia de la Virgen de la Merced. This church is special because it was built purely of metal. The only non-metal parts of the church are the windows. The windows are decorated with stained glass illustrating beautiful pictures covered in intricate designs. After exiting the church, our tour guide Minor told us that the entire town is connected by streets (that go north to south) and avenues (that go east to west). The streets and avenues have names, however, most ever...